Polio Rescue Association is a dedicated team against poliomyelitis through the elimination of the dreaded poliovirus. It is the single largest virus that claims responsibility for the deformity and incapacitation of our children. We believes that if we stop the crusade at the prevention camp, we have fought an unjust fight. The victims of polio must be rescued also. This makes this second part essential and equally important. And the part will include all or any of the following:
An Anti-Polio Animated Comic Movie
We raise the bar of polio advocacy by producing an Anti-Polio Comic book and animated movie in Nigeria languages, knowing the destructive effect language barrier has on our campaign on the field. This is indeed unprecedented in polio advocacy programme in Nigeria and that is all that is needed to take Nigeria out of the present status and earn the much coveted polio-free nation.
The team believes that we can stop the new outbreak of polio through extensive publicity and campaign for vaccine administration. But government alone cannot do it else we will continue to lose the fight. We have the passion because we know the pains. We tell everyone who cares the gravity of the evil polio can do if it affects their wards and children. We incite them to run from polio the same way they would a ravaging tsunami. This is one side of the fight.